Author archives

UOITFA Submission RE: UOIT President’s Renewal

“It is with deep regret that we voice our opposition to the extension of the current president’s term due to his systemic deepening of the democratic deficit in collegial governance at UOIT, his targeted interventions against the career advancement of senior female faculty, and his sequestering of significant financial surpluses while diminishing UOIT’s academic mission.”

Faculty Association Response to the Teaching Faculty Workload Joint Working Groups

We would like to thank all of our members who participated in this process to date. The FA has objected from the outset to the interpretation of the LOU as requiring an excessive and unwarranted focus on “individual concerns”, through individual appearances before committees, while simultaneously excluding “individuals’ workload assignments”. This process has created an …

Solidarity with the UNBC Faculty Association

The UOIT Faculty Association stands in full solidarity with striking full- and part-time instructors, senior lab instructors, and academic librarian members at the University of Northern British Columbia.

The Oshawa Good Jobs Forum

The Oshawa Good Jobs Forum Place: Regent Theatre Date: April 1st Time: 6pm – 8pm (doors open at 5:30pm) – No cost, no RSVP necessary The Public Lectures Committee, in association with the Faculty of Health Sciences, is hosting a social forum on precarious employment and the growth of polarized labour markets.  The Oshawa Good Jobs …