Category «Uncategorized»

Tentative Agreement Reached

The University and the UOIT Faculty Association are pleased to advise that they have reached a tentative agreement. Details of the agreement will remain confidential until both parties have conducted their ratification processes, after which further details will be available. All classes and activities at the University will proceed as scheduled.

Strike Mandate Vote Looms Large

First, our membership voted to reject management’s offer of $0-0-0. Second, our membership voted to empower the FA executive to organize a strike mandate vote. Now, management wants to break off bargaining and take a month’s vacation. Bargaining is not a vacation! The FA is preparing for a strike mandate vote. The voting period will …

UOIT Board answers call to fix exclusionary meeting policy

–A message from your Faculty Association President (printable statement available here)– Dear Colleagues, In its November 26th meeting, the UOIT Board of Governors accepted the meeting policy changes recommended by its Governance, Nominations and Human Resources Committee to modify the policy approved in June.