Category «Uncategorized»

UOIT Faculty Association in solidarity with student actions

Tuesday February 2nd 2015 To the students at the Drop Tuition Fees meeting, It is a pleasure to be addressing you at this important meeting. I am unable to attend today, but hope that my words of solidarity will be received as support for your cause. First of all, thank you for taking the time …

UOIT Faculty Association’s Letter to the Board of Governors

On Friday November 14th 2014, the Faculty Association submitted the following letter to the UOIT Board of Governors (BoG) re: irregularities associated with the renewal of the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences. However, as of the time this was posted, the document will not be appearing before the BoG and the FA has been …

What the 2014 election results mean for professors and academic librarians

The election of a majority Liberal government in the June 12, 2014 Ontario election has a number of important implications for professors and academic librarians in the province. During the election, OCUFA analyzed the higher education platforms of the Liberal Party as well as those of the other main parties, posted the response of the parties to the OCUFA …

Is the cost of research a drain on university resources?

That research cost is a drain on university resources may be a good line for administrators to use on the federal government in their quest to increase the funding for indirect costs of research. However, university administrators shouldn’t get carried away by their own rhetoric and lose sight of the global picture. Research is what …