Category «Uncategorized»

UOITFA Observes Fair Employment Week: Social Media Day of Action and Other Resources

Fair Employment Week, taking place this year from October 17th to 21st, is CAUT’s (Canadian Association of University Teachers) annual campaign to raise awareness about precarious employment on campuses and support local organizing to improve the working conditions of contract academic staff. More information on CAUT’s Fair Employment Week can be found here. Join the …

UOITFA Bargaining Update: Tentative Agreement Reached

The University and the UOIT Faculty Association are pleased to advise that they have reached a tentative agreement. Details of the agreement will remain confidential until both Parties have conducted their ratification processes, after which further details will be available both about the agreement and about the resumption of classes following an end to the strike.

Strike Action: Student FAQ

How will a strike or lockout affect me? It may delay your course completion and graduation plans. For graduate students, it may delay your research and result in the postponement of your thesis defense. It may affect your job search or plans for starting a job. It may interfere with your internship or co-op placement. …

Strike Action: Frequently Asked Questions

The UOITFA will be updating this page frequently as more information becomes available. Strike signs will be available on Wednesday February 9th from 8am to 4pm at the UOITFA office in the U portable in the Founders 2 parking lot. Members can download their own strike signs to print at this link. Here is a …

UOITFA Vote on University Offer: Ontario Tech Faculty reject University Offer

Ontario Tech Faculty reject University Offer OSHAWA, February 5th, 2022 —Members of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Faculty Association (UOITFA), which represents full-time faculty at Ontario Tech University, have voted 80% to reject the offer proposed by Ontario Tech University. “The offer put forward by Ontario Tech administration’s ran counter to the institution’s …

Supporting the UOITFA: Solidarity Statements

The UOITFA would like to thank all members, students, community members, other Faculty Associations, and unions for their ongoing support throughout this bargaining round and especially now as we prepare for a potential strike. Every message of support, whether it be a statement of solidarity or a tweet in support of the UOITFA, means so …

Discussing a Potential Strike: UOITFA Tool Kit

Tips for Student Discussion of a Potential Strike Always ask them to follow the Faculty Association on social media for more updates!! and Students are always welcome to reach out the Faculty Association for further questions at [email protected]. Do not use class time to discuss the potential strike with students – invite them …