Category «Uncategorized»

Rethinking our exam period

As we reach the end of the Fall term, and most of us have been or still are busy trying to complete our Fall term exam marking and final grades, you might not have time to reflect on this, but perhaps you might over the well-deserved holiday break. The figure below shows the examination period …

The Robes That Bind

By Dr. Hannah Scott I am a woman and professor at a university. This looks like a success story, given the majority of my cohort were men and that my first workplaces had few female professors. I now work in a faculty where almost half of the instructors are women, but there are fewer women …

#ForOurFuture: Fair Employment Week and Mobilizing for the Federal Election

Introduction On Monday October 21st 2019, Canadians head to the polls. In recent years, we have seen much needed, but not enough investment, in basic research, improvements to the Canada Student Grants and Loans program, and increased support for Indigenous education. However, the last time the federal government increased core funding to the provinces to strengthen …

University Budget Report Back

The 2019-2020 University budget was approved by the UOIT Board of Governors at their April 24th meeting. The agenda for the Board of Governor’s meeting can be found at this link. The draft budget was presented and approved for recommendation by the Board’s Audit and Finance Committee on April 17th 2019. The agenda for that …

Information on Timely Changes the Collective Agreement

The Association and the Administration are still working on the final copy of the new Collective Agreement and we expect to have it posted, printed, and distributed in the coming weeks. That said, the new CA is in full effect as of the date of ratification and we want to make sure that Faculty Members …

UOIT Faculty Association Annual General Meeting: April 25th 2019 1pm to 3pm

When: Thursday April 25th 2019, 1pm to 3pm Where: J102, North Campus Constitutional Amendments Constitutional Amendments are now being accepted for the April 25th 2019 Annual General Membership Meeting as per Article 14.1 of the UOIT Faculty Association Constitution. Please use the Constitutional Amendment Form to submit any constitutional amendments. The Faculty Association is asking …

Bargaining Update 10: February 19th 2019

Dear Fellow Faculty Members, I hope you enjoyed the Family Day Weekend. This past week was a busy and somewhat productive one. We met for a full day on Monday with the Administration’s team, and two long days on Wednesday and Thursday with our provincially appointed mediator. Monday started slowly with little progress. With the …