Category «Uncategorized»

Bargaining Update 9: February 12th 2019

Dear Fellow Colleagues, We met yesterday with the administration’s bargaining team, and I am sorry to report that we were not able to make the progress we had hoped leading into four days with the provincially appointed mediator – which will be Wednesday and Thursday this week, and Tuesday and Thursday next week. We filed …

Bargaining Update 8: February 6th 2019

Dear Colleagues, We finally exchanged monetary proposals on Monday in the presence of our conciliator from the Ministry of Labour. We did not have much time left to fully discuss these proposals, and so I will reserve sharing too much information before we have had an opportunity to develop a better understanding of each other’s …

Bargaining Update 7: January 31st 2019

Dear Fellow Faculty Members, First and foremost, thank you all for the strong support you showed through the successful Strike Mandate Vote! The bargaining team very much appreciates it. We have had two sessions since my in-person updates on January 16th, 22nd and 23rd. The sessions were on Monday January 28th and Wednesday January 30th. …

2019 Strike Mandate Vote Results

Faculty Members at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) have voted 86% in favour of a strike Mandate, the highest in our history. 79% of Faculty Members voted, a powerful show of support. “Clearly, our membership has given their bargaining team a strong mandate for improved working and learning conditions at UOIT, in …

Bargaining Update 6: Strike Mandate Vote January 16th to 25th

Dear Colleagues, I hope you all have a very good holiday break and are enjoying the New Year! We have not had any bargaining sessions since my last update, but we would like to share additional details regarding the various concerns that we have about the current bargaining situation. The UOIT Administration is holding on …

Bargaining Update #4

We just finished a series for four half-day sessions over the past two weeks. This makes seven bargaining sessions in total so far. I wish that I could report to you that we are making good progress, but I cannot. Our next session will be on November 29th 2018. We had hoped exchange monetary proposals this …

UOIT Faculty Association’s Statement on the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women

Endorsed by the Faculty Association’s Equity Committee As December 6th approaches, the UOIT Faculty Association would like our members, students and the larger UOIT community to pause and recognize the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. On December 6th, 1989, 14 women were gunned down at the École Polytechnique in Montreal, …

Fair Employment Week Roundup: Contract Faculty in the UOIT Faculty Association

The University of Ontario Institute of Technology Faculty Association (UOITFA) is making progress creating secure jobs for its members, even while a new national study by the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) has found that that more faculty than ever are working contract-to-contract in the gig economy. UOITFA is the first union in Ontario …