Category «Uncategorized»

Bargaining 2018 Update #3 – October 30th 2018

Written by UOIT Faculty Association Chief Negotiator Mike Eklund Dear colleagues, We have just concluded the first three bargaining sessions with our Employer, on October 24th, 26th and yesterday, the 29th. I wish that I could report that we are off to a good start. Fortunately, we are entering a two week break from bargaining …

Women in STEM at UOIT

Written by Faculty Association Member Janette Hughes For the past two decades, governments have been heralding the importance of proficiency in STEM subjects because of their link to a country’s technological innovation and economic development. The calls for a focus on STEM education to prepare our graduates for an increasingly technological and rapidly changing world …

Why faculty members should care about the minimum wage

By Timothy MacNeill There has been quite a bit of concern lately over the minimum wage. In just under 14 weeks, a legislated minimum wage increase will be taking place in Ontario for a majority of workers. Advocates of a $15 minimum wage are concerned that the Conservative government plans to back away from a …

General Membership Meeting: November 15, 2018

WHEN: November 15, 2018 at 1pm WHERE: J102 The UOIT Faculty Association invites all Faculty Members to attend a mixer with UOIT President Dr. Steven Murphy and the Association’s President Kimberly Nugent on November 15th beginning at 12pm in room J102 – before the GMM begin at 1pm in the same room. Please RSVP by …

Standard Course Equivalencies Working Group Final Report and Recommendations

Committee Membership For the University: Robert Bailey, Greg Crawford, Lori Livingston, Sylvie Brosseau, Caitlin Crompton, Krista Secord For the Association: Mikael Eklund, Kim Nugent, Nancy Bergeron, Kerry Johnson, Elita Partosoedarso, Christine McLaughlin Preamble This is the final report of the Standard Course Equivalencies Working Group (SCEWG) established in November 2017 by a Letter of Understanding …

FA Statement on Premier’s Free Speech Announcement

On August 30, 2018, the Office of the Premier put out a press release mandating that colleges and universities develop, implement, and comply with a free speech policy by January 1, 2019. The policy must apply to faculty, students, staff, management, and campus guests; and must follow the University of Chicago Statement on Principles of …

Standard Course Equivalencies Working Group (SCEWG) Update

Last November, at the conclusion of bargaining for the Teaching Faculty’s new Collective Agreement, and on the very eve of their Strike Deadline, the Association and the University agreed to resolve the outstanding issues regarding workload, in particular the nature and equivalence of a “standard course” as it appears in the Collective Agreement. The Working …