Category «Uncategorized»

Study Announcement:  Have you been a target of workplace bullying?

Workplace bullying is becoming of increasing interest both by unions and labour movements, but also within the private sector. Dr. Hannah Scott, at UOIT, is conducting a study to test a model capturing everyday bullying experiences (click here for a link to the survey).  The model was adapted from the Duluth Power-Control model which sought …

Bargaining Update 2

Dear Colleagues, We are looking for members to show support for bargaining by getting engaged in the process. But first some updates: We continue to try to get the University to the bargaining table. At this point it will be well into September before we are likely to be there with them. In the meantime, …

Labour Board Decides in Favour of Consolidation

On application from the UOITFA, the Ontario Labour Relations Board has agreed to consolidate all three of our bargaining units into a single unit. Effective today, all UOITFA members will bargain with the employer together, and we will be covered by a single collective agreement. This is a great outcome for the union, UOIT faculty …

Bargaining Update 1

Dear Members, The Faculty Association gave the Employer notice to bargain in late June. We are currently trying to schedule dates to begin bargaining a new Collective Agreement for the Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty (TTTF) and a first CA for the newly certified Academic Associates. We are also awaiting the decision of the Ontario Labour …

Memo re: Teaching Faculty workload

It is that time of year! Yes, everyone should have now received workload expectations for 2018-2019! Teaching Faculty members have new language that caps course load assignment at the maximum of an equivalent of 7 standard courses, which would be a 70% teaching load. It is important to remember that an assignment of 7 standard …

Career Review Workshops FAQs

Should I include work from my entire career? How big should my documentation package be? Should I include my annual performance reviews in my package? What counts as Research, Teaching, and Service? What if I do interdisciplinary work? Do I require a specific number of publications? Should I include technical reports in highlighting my career …

Understanding and bargaining our new rights

(MAY 2018) Ontario has a host of new employment and labour laws, which were included in Bill 148, Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, that will help bring more fairness to workplaces. Through the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) and your faculty association, faculty are part of the province-wide Fight for $15 & Fairness …

Consolidation Update

This week, after a successful initiative to represent faculty holding limited term appointments of twelve months or longer at UOIT, we made an application with the Ontario Labour Relations Board to merge all faculty we represent into a single bargaining unit. This is in direct response to historic and ongoing discussions within the Faculty Association …