Update on Academic Associates

A ballot vote took place two weeks ago asking Academic Associates whether they wish to be represented by the Faculty Association. This past Friday the ballots were counted at the Ministry of Labour and we are very excited to announce that the results were 100% in favour of joining the Faculty Association. We welcome these …

Teaching Overload?

Did you know that overload pay is being excluded from your pensionable earnings? Your Collective Agreement states that: “Pensionable earnings include base salary, stipends, and any variable pay paid by or through the Employer.” in Articles 26.01b) and 25.01b) respectively, in the TTTF and TF agreements. The Faculty Association has learned that the Employer has …

Academic Associates Vote Details

This Thursday April 12th Academic Associates at UOIT will be voting as to whether or not they will join the UOIT Faculty Association. This page will be used to update you on the status of this process. When will the vote take place? The vote is taking place Thursday April 12th 2018 at two different …

Bargaining Bulletin #6

Dear Teaching Faculty, Congratulations! Our new collective agreement has been ratified by both the membership and the Employer. This is an important milestone for us all. The FA will be hosting workshops to help navigate some aspects of the Collective Agreement. Stay tuned for workshops on Negotiating Workload, Continuing Appointment and Promotion. Let us know …

UOITFA Response to Interim Provost’s Message Regarding Potential Labour Action

Dear UOIT Community Members Today we all received a message from the Provost regarding a “Possible labour disruption during the week of November 6, 2017.” The lack of respect shown in this message was met with widespread dismay by Faculty Members – Teaching Faculty Members in particular – and students. In his message, he noted …

Open Letter to UOIT Administration on Teaching Faculty’s Workload

President McTiernan; This Fall will mark half a year of negotiations between Teaching Faculty and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT). We want to be clear that we made every effort possible to reason with this institution and are growing increasingly frustrated about being told that workload is not an issue. After multiple …

Bargaining Bulletin #5

Dear Teaching Faculty, The employer continues to evade setting a concrete date for tabling the rest of our monetary proposals. We did not think it could get much worse than tabling zero across-the-board increases, but an unwillingness to put any monetary offer on the table at all is much worse.  This has us feeling increasingly …

Solidarity with Laurentian University Faculty

Thursday October 5th 2017 To Dr. Pierre Zundel (Laurentian University President), I am writing on behalf of Tenured, Tenure-Track, and Teaching Faculty Members at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology to let you know we stand in solidarity with our colleagues at Laurentian University. When Faculty Members go on strike, it is not simply …